Admission for foreign PhD students in Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Bioinformatics with a limited number of scholarships


The Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IBB), University of Tehran with the state-of-the-art facility is the most prestigious life science center in the country and the region. IBB is an affiliated center of The World Academy of Science (TWAS) in Iran with extensive national and international collaborations. This prestigious center is an educational and research center oriented for training postgraduate students (PhD, MSc) and postdoctoral fellows at both national and international levels. For more information refer to our web page at

The IBB is seeking highly motivated foreign applicants to become PhD students in the fields of Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Bioinformatics. The applicants must hold M.Sc. degree in one of the majors of basic sciences or life sciences with minimum grade point average of B. The female students are especially encouraged to apply. The five-year program, which is in English, will consist of six-credit-hour course, two-credit-hour seminar and dissertation research.

As extra incentives, the tuition fees are waived for the entirety of the study, and living costs including food and dormitory costs are also subsidized. This scholarship will be awarded to five PhD students in Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Bioinformatics.

Application Deadlines: June every year

The deadlines above refer to the application for the every academic year for which we are now accepting applications. Decision letters will go out electronically to all applicants. The candidates can expect to hear back by the end of July.

The applicants are expected to fill out the application form, and email it to along with resume and copies of college and university transcripts. Your referees should also send 2 letters of recommendation to the same email address using their institutional email system, separately. The official transcripts will be required during the registration.

It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the all application materials, including letters of recommendation are submitted by the published deadline.

If you have questions about your application and application requirements, feel free to contact us through

Contact Information

Admission office, IBB:

Download Application Form

Last Update At : 30 July 2021