

After assigning the student number to international students, the Department of Dormitory Affairs is obliged to allocate dormitories to international students. Single dormitory is reserved for all international students. The following concerns are asked to be noticed:

  • The international students who arrive in Iran with an educational visa are obliged to use one of the dormitories belonging to University of Tehran. The educational visas will not be extended if they use other accommodations.

  • International students are required to inform their exact arrival date and time to to reserve a place.

  • Consular staff are required to register for a dormitory during working days (Sat. to Weds.) from 8 to 14:30. Therefore, you are strongly suggested to arrange your arrival date and time from Saturday to Wednesday. Otherwise, you will have to reserve a place in a hotel for the first days of your arrival and after that you can move to the dormitory.

  • The students are required to come to the Consular Office to complete their registration, to receive their introduction letter, and to address to the dormitory during working days (Sat. to Weds.) from 8 to 14:30.

  • Consular staff will send the request to the vacant dormitory.

  • It is asked to avoid bringing valuable objects since the dormitory does not have liability for lost or stolen properties.

  • In case, the students wish to leave their rooms due to any reason, they should inform the dormitory.

  • The students are required to apply the request for extending visa, residency and leaving the country. The requirements are accessible here.

  • Educational residency has been issued for a year and must be extended every year. The students are obliged to apply their requests 30 days before residency date.


Dormitory for Married Applicants:

According to the approval of the Dormitory Council of the University of Tehran, 45 units will be awarded to scholarship students of the Ministry of Science.


How to Apply Dormitory for Married Applicants:

Each scholarship student (male and female) to receive dormitory must contact the student dormitory manager, Mr. Hashemi in the Office of International Students in person or via email ( and after completing the relevant form will be in the waiting list to be introduced to the Office of Dormitory.

After the evacuation of each dormitory unit, the expert in charge of the dormitory administration informs the Office of International Students through an official letter via the office automation, thus providing the conditions for the introduction of the next person.


Temporary Residence:

1. Foreign students who are in the process of registration (before final registration and receiving the student number), by sending an automated letter, will be temporarily accommodated in the dormitory.

2. All international students whose accommodation in the dormitory has expired or for any reason, including (prolongation of the defense process, proposal, graduation, etc.) request more accommodation than allowed can refer to the Office of International Students and request an extension of accommodation in the dormitory.

Note: Due to the current situation, the entry of guests and the request to have guests is not allowed for Iranian and non-Iranian students.


Dormitory fees

Cost Table for Non-Iranian Students, Researchers and Language Learners’ Accommodation

Cost for 2022-2023

Accommodation Status

Type of Student


Cost free (***)


Non-Iranian scholarship


Half of the marriage cost approved by the Welfare Fund

(In case of staying without a contract, they will be required to pay damages in the amount of the local expert)


25% surplus on the overnight single cost of the Welfare Fund in terms of capacity


Non-Iranian non-scholarship


In case of creating space in the dormitory of the married at the price of the local expert


In case of staying in Kouy dormitory with non-stock exchange tariff (above amount) and in case of staying in special dormitories: Single person:

1,500,000 tomans (for each month)

Two people: 1,800,000 tomans

(for each month)


Non-Iranian students of international campuses (international non-scholarships)




Note 1- (***) Scholarship students will be free of charge only until the authorized academic years of each course and if the student continues to stay in the dormitory, the fee will be counted in accordance with the approved amount of non-scholarship students.

Note 2: Except of "number one", in other cases, in case of empty space in the dormitory buildings of the university, accommodation will be provided.

Note 3: if new students do not register for education, they will be able to use the guest house for a period of one month after paying the approved fee. (The cost of the guest house in 2020-2021 is 40,000 tomans per night for non-students.)









Last Update At : 22 January 2024